About me

Very hard to define a person. Very hard even to describe myself. But I will try my best to do it through a few rows of words, onto who I am, what are my passions, hobbies. This section is about me, it is about who is Steven John Scott.

The smell of ink on paper. The sound of a page turning. Does it get any better than this. The love of books, of literature, of classic writing and classic writers. So much we can learn from a wide list of authors. That is me, at least my side that is a fanatic of good writing and that could only aspire to become an 1% of those talented writers admire so, and I would consider myself lucky.

The second way to describe me is as a person looking into the past to understand the present we live. I adore history and historical figures. Henry VII and his queen Elizabeth of York who united two houses or Catherine the great of Russia who enlightened an empire. There are so many historical figures that dedicated their lives and their rule for our evolving culture.

A third side is an aspiring Erudite. I like to listen to classical music, violin, piano, songs from Mozart or Beethoven that are sung even today by talented musicians. To learn about Impressionism, Romanticism and many more forms of artwork, to distinguish easily a painting made by Manet vs one by Monet. To learn more about the Faberge eggs, or about the beautiful English myths like of King Arthur or Lady Godiva.

Accumulating knowledge of culture of Romanticism, of past periods that were far better, far evolved than what we live is not just amassing information, is learning from the history, the culture that existed so that we can make it again.

In a nutshell about me: an aspiring writer, in love with literature, avid history reader and with an eye open to all that can be achieved cultural in today's world.

All of this with the gifts given from God, that is why my favourite motto is Nihil sine deo. All the knowledge and aspiration to achieve more information comes and is done through God, at least that is my view, that is me.

Just an opinion. Just a thought. Just Steven J Scott