The clock that stopped

Elise Evans is a curious, mischievous teen. Elise’s family are living a quiet, boring life in Monroe, Michigan. That does not stop Elise and her best friend Megan to cause all sorts of accidents around school with their group “Rebels Anti Routine”.

In one such prank, they accidentally set fire to an old, semi-destroyed mansion, where a photo will reveal her family might have had a very different past than they would have guessed.

Elise starts to enquire around about her past, a neighbour seemed to know a lot more about the family past than Elise, which intrigues Elise even more. Soon she starts to discover that most of her friend’s family would all hold pieces of information about her past.

Going to the Davis family, the famous watchmakers, and the parents of Alex, a school colleague, and a former member of the: “Rebels Anti Routine”.

Things become even more curious when a teacher suddenly dies in suspect conditions, and the replacement teacher, professor Konrad of history seem to hold most of the elements of the puzzle to piece the story together, reveal to Elise who she really is, and the truth about her family, and to prove that time is not only relative, but it can bend, expand or be manipulated in different ways than anyone would have believed at first.